Jon Gross

My name is Jon Gross and I'm glad you're here!A quick tour of the pages on the site:
About - my background and the path of how I got to where I am (not how you would see on my resume)
Contact - I'd love to get connected (or meet in person for coffee/lunch if you're in NYC/Brooklyn)
CFO, M&A Professional, and Startup Generalist Operator wrapped into one3-Level Operator (can operate at the board/C-Level, manager level, or as a high horsepower independent contributor)Experience as an early and late-stage investor in a principal and advisory capacityPerpetually curious and always crave learning and intellectual stimulation, sometimes to a faultWould not be where I am if not for some great mentors, colleagues, influences, and parents along the way
Those closest to me would describe my personality as...
positive, upbeat, competitive, detailed, and efficient. Sprinkle in a bit of humor too depending on who you askWhen I'm not working you can find me...
playing any sport I can find, learning something new (soccer, no code, SEO, etc.), hanging out with my wife and dog, watching standup comedy, playing cards/board games with friends, and/or enjoying a cold brew coffeeTopics of particular interest...
the intersection of tech/digitalization with legacy markets, including ways to reduce stress and making life easier for everyone, including vertical SaaS, insurance, finance, healthcare, and education; M&A and Entrepreneurship Through Acquisition (ETA/SMB); Miami Heat basketball, European soccerMy current goals are...
becoming a more consistent, thoughtful writer and communicator (this website is part of that), taking better care of my body (drink more water, exercise 3x/week, etc.), and setting better boundaries which will allow me to better set and keep routinesQuote that resonates with you today...
while many years ago now, my high school yearbook quote was “a day without laughter is a day wasted”, which remains true todayDescribe the path to where you are...
Born and raised in Miami Beach, FL. Only child of two loving and supportive parents
Went to college in St. Louis at WashU; originally pre-med (wanted to be an orthopedic surgeon), but too big a commitment than I was comfortable making at 19 before exploring what else is out there and what I really enjoy
After college, I followed the work to Minneapolis (IB at Piper Jaffray in Med Tech group) and Cleveland (PE at the Riverside Company RCAF generalist buyout fund). Along the way, met my amazing wife, Vanessa, learned a ton, and a met a lot of incredible, supportive, and inspiring colleagues
Moved back to Miami in ops role for Riverside to be closer to family for a time
Joined a CBD company in Boulder to run corp dev and a brand roll-up strategy. When the market changed and did not allow for that strategy, focused on internal improvement, and grew into first C-Level experience as CFO for 100+ person organization
Then lived in Denver working in an ops role for a remote health insurance startup working to improve the experience for Medicare-eligible seniors, get experience building a 0 to 1 startup, and be in the most operations-focused role I have held (though I am still responsible for the finance function)
Now I live in New York working as CFO of a SaaS company focused on serving SMBs in the aesthetics and wellness space. The company's value proposition is a true win-win - it's med-commerce platform empowers practices and owners to gain more leverage on their time, sell more, and smooth their revenues by offering memberships, packages, rewards, and financing.
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